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Chantix Depression Suit Filed

A lawsuit filed by a new plaintiff in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama against drug maker Pfizer claims that the plaintiff involved suffered from serious side effects as a result of her use of the smoking cessation medication Chantix. The suit was filed on July 9, 2012, by plaintiff Sallie Lynne Casey, who is claiming negligent, strict product liability, breach of implied and express warranties, unjust enrichment, and punitive damages, seeking compensation for the side effects she has suffered as a result of her use of the popularly prescribed medication. Plaintiff Casey claims in her Chantix lawsuit that she experienced psychological side effects after taking the drug, including suicidal thoughts, aggression, and anger. She began taking the medication in July of 2009.

Chemical imbalances linked to depression

People who have used the medication to help them quit smoking might be at risk for psychological side effects associated with Chantix, including suicide ideation and suicide attempts. Some patients have even taken their own lives after starting treatment with the drug. Doctors are not completely sure what causes these serious side effects, however, they believe that they may be caused by the drug interfering with nicotine receptors in the brain. This could cause a reduction in the body’s natural release of dopamine, which in turn could cause depression.

The FDA required a black box warning on Chantix packaging in 2009 that would warn potential patients about the risks of serious side effects associated with Chantix use. Chantix psychological side effects were cited on the warning label, and many patients came forward after realizing that their depression, rage, and suicidal thoughts were linked to the medication.

Chantix lawsuits seek compensation

Patients who have experienced serious Chantix side effects may choose to seek compensation through a personal injury lawyer. A number of these lawsuits have been filed and consolidated in a multidistrict litigation case, which helps courts deal with the large volume of lawsuits that have been filed.

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