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Plaintiff Claims Vaginal Mesh Complications in Lawsuit

A lawsuit alleging complications related to a vaginal mesh device was originally filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York by a husband and wife pair of plaintiffs. The lawsuit was recently transferred to the ongoing multidistrict litigation case which is taking place in the United States’ District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia. The suit was transferred on the 29th of August. The lawsuit claims that the plaintiff wife suffered from vaginal mesh problems caused by the Gynecare Prolift Sling system, which she says was implanted during surgery on the 27th of April, 2010.

Transvaginal mesh complications cited

The case joins a number of other, similar lawsuits that have been filed by plaintiffs who claim to have been seriously injured as a result of their use of the devices. The plaintiff says that she was implanted with the Gynecare Prolift Sling, which is manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, in order to help treat pelvic organ prolapse, stress urinary invontenence, rectocele, and other conditions; she says that subsequent to the surgery she began to suffer from a variety of complications and health consequences.

Vaginal mesh devices have been linked to high rates of failure, injury, and complication; although the Food and Drug Administration has looked into some such products, the vast majority of them have not been recalled from the pharmaceuticals market in the United States. Many lawsuits claim that device manufacturers knew or should have known about the possible side effects associated with their products, and yet have failed to adequately warn potential patients about the risks. Plaintiffs like the one involved in this lawsuit claim to have incurred significant medical expenses and suffered pain associated with their side effects.

Compensation would mitigate costs

A number of the patients who have filed a transvaginal mesh lawsuit have seen their cases combined in multidistrict litigation in West Virginia, which should help speed up the lengthy litigation process. Plaintiffs are seeking compensation for their injuries that could help cover medical bills and other costs they have incurred.

[SmartLink vaginalmeshlawsuit]