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Yaz Lawsuit Added to MDL

Plaintiff Barbara Irwin has joined litigation against Bayer Corporation, Bayer Healthcare LLC, Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Bayer AG, and McKesson Corporation. She filed her lawsuit on the 9th of October, 2012, joining the multidistrict litigation case that is currently consolidating thousands of lawsuits filed by women affected by the serious side effects of the fourth generation birth control medication. Irwin’s lawsuit claims that she suffered from a pulmonary embolism as a result of her use of the popular oral contraceptive, which is a common allegation made by plaintiffs involved in Yaz and Yasmin-related lawsuits; plaintiffs such as Irwin are seeking compensation for their injuries.

Plaintiff claims pulmonary embolism resulted from Yaz

According to her master short form complaint, Plaintiff Irwin has filed an individual claim, which means that the plaintiff directly suffered the alleged side effects as opposed to a loved one or family member dealing with them. Her Propecia lawyers state that she experienced a pulmonary embolism in 2008, as a result of taking Yaz and/or Yasmin. Pulmonary embolism is a potentially fatal condition that results from a blood clot dislodging and traveling to an artery in the lungs. This can be a direct result of deep vein thrombosis, a condition which results from clots in the deep veins, usually in a patient’s legs. These blood clots can become dislodged and travel throughout the body, causing complications that can include stroke.

Multidistrict litigation proceedings have a master short form complaint that allows new plaintiffs to quickly and easily join the litigation. The master long form complaint is filed with the court, and the short form complaint is usually a few pages long and lists a number of allegations that each plaintiff can check off in accordance with their individual experience.

Plaintiffs level suits against defendants

Plaintiffs involved in Yaz lawsuits are usually seeking compensation for the injuries they have suffered as a result of their use of the drug. Click here for more information about Yaz-related side effects and lawsuits.

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