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Plaintiff Claims Propecia Sexual Dysfunction

Propecia and Cognitive ImpairmentA new plaintiff has filed suit against Propecia’s drug maker Merck & Co. The plaintiff filed his lawsuit in the ongoing multidistrict litigation case which is proceeding in the Eastern District of New York, in Brooklyn. This multidistrict litigation case combines a large number of cases filed by plaintiffs who claims to have been seriously injured as a result of their use of the male pattern baldness treatment drug. The new plaintiff is seeking compensation for his injuries, claiming that the drug maker was negligent in their manufacture and distribution of the medication. He says that he suffered serious side effects that continued well after he stopped taking the medication.

Plaintiff claims serious side effects

The plaintiff’s lawsuit claims that he began to take Propecia when he was 46, in 1998. He continued to use the drug until 2011. The lawsuit goes on to state that the plaintiff was diagnosed in 2005 with sexual dysfunction was well as Peyronie’s disease, which is a curvature of the penis that occurs during erection due to the formation of fibrous scar tissue. It is a relatively rare disorder, and the plaintiff claims that it is related to his Propecia use.

Dozens of plaintiffs involved in Propecia litigation claim to be affected by sexual side effects of the drug. Many, like the plaintiff, are filing claims of strict liability, negligence, breach of express and implied warranty, and others against drug maker Merck & Co. Propecia was originally approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1992 in order to treat male pattern baldness and ever since patients have been reporting that they have experienced serious and lasting sexual side effects associated with the medication.

Propecia settlements sought

Many men are choosing to file suit in the hopes of winning compensation for their injuries, which could cover medical bills and other costs. To find out more about Propecia compensation, and learn more about filing a lawsuit if you have experienced sexual side effects, click around this website or follow the links in this article.

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